Posts Tagged“traveling”

The Nomadic Family’s Guide to Traveling in South America

Have you been thinking about traveling to South America? If so, you may want to prepare yourself beforehand. This is particularly true of families hoping to head down south. Still, with the right information, you could travel and stay in South America with zero problems. Additionally, you may find that South America offers a wide range of unforgettable experiences, flavors, and sensations that your family will love. Traveling to South America One of the first things that you and your family will need to figure out is travel to South America. Fortunately, there are several options. You could travel by…

5 Must See Architectural Marvels of The United States of America

The United States of America is one of the most frequented countries in the world. People from all parts of the world travel to the US to witness the amazing pieces of architectural marvels. Some of them are historic monuments while some hold the beacon for the modern-day architect’s genius mind. If you are planning to book a holiday tour package to the USA then make sure you do visit some of these iconic structures of this country. The White House The President of The United States of America’s official residence and workplace- The White House in Washington D.C. is…

How to Survive Solo Travel As A Female

The unfortunate truth of traveling alone as a female is that you are more likely to run into problems than as a male solo traveler. It is a sad fact but one which cannot be ignored and records show that a women traveling alone is in far more danger of being assaulted, robbed or worse than the chances of the same thing happening to a man. This is not to say however, that women should not travel alone and if you have this opinion then know that you are only allowing these criminals to win if you decide not to…